This is Campus Look. Welcome.

Campus Look is an interactive photo gallery recording Leeds University's unusual campus.

Each fortnight, photographers are challenged to find and capture something special amid the awesome jumble of the Leeds campus. The latest photos are below; the archive is in the sidebar.

Anyone can join in. How? Check the latest challenge (in the most recent post), make your photo and send it- no more than 1000 pixels wide or 700 pixels high - to the email address below. Your submission will be displayed in the next post.

If you would like to join the Campus Look mailing list, just send an email.

email your pictures here

If you enjoy Campus Look then tell your friends!

Friday 13 July 2007

Recent Quietude

Just a note to show that Campus Look is still alive and not forgotten.

A change of address has absorbed my time for the last week or so, so no 'Lunch' for you yet.

What this means is that you have new deadlines for Challenges Numbers 5 and 6, and you will presented with new challenges at the next posting. (I know some of you have cameras, and have lunch, and have not sent me pictures! Here's your chance to make amends.) Please submit your pictures as follows

Challenge Number 5: lunch( deadline 21st July)

Challenge Number 6: (even more optimistically now) sunlight (deadline 28th July)

To those who have recorded your lunches for me, thank you, and sorry for the delay. To those who have sent late submissions for previous challenges, thanks; they will be posted in a few weeks in another 'Extras' gallery.

Rooftop voting is still open, by the way, and will remain open until the 'Lunch' post.

Watch this space.

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