This is Campus Look. Welcome.

Campus Look is an interactive photo gallery recording Leeds University's unusual campus.

Each fortnight, photographers are challenged to find and capture something special amid the awesome jumble of the Leeds campus. The latest photos are below; the archive is in the sidebar.

Anyone can join in. How? Check the latest challenge (in the most recent post), make your photo and send it- no more than 1000 pixels wide or 700 pixels high - to the email address below. Your submission will be displayed in the next post.

If you would like to join the Campus Look mailing list, just send an email.

email your pictures here

If you enjoy Campus Look then tell your friends!

Monday 6 August 2007


Here you see tide-mark of the preceding week's flood of popular opinion, which filled this page and gently lifted Terri Sandiford's 'Auriole' to rest, as it does now, on a dainty meniscus of appreciation. Well done, Terri.

I have a strong feeling - don't ask me why - that the photography competition at the staff festival will be won by a Campus Look contributor. As far as I know, no Campus Look contributors have actually produced anything, so far, apart from an intention to take part. Although it is not a point raised explicitly in the terms and conditions, I am quite sure that intentions alone are not even eligible for entry. Intentions cannot be displayed at A3 size at the festival and admired by the strangers you've always wished would notice you, and bald intentions will not earn anyone any of the (big) prizes. What that means is that the prizes are yours for the taking. Big prizes.

At the very least, everyone who has submitted pictures to this site should just send one of them to the competition. There's nothing to lose, and at least three things to gain:

1. The thrill of engaging with the Leeds University staff community
2. The notoriety and fan mail that would result from your picture being displayed at the staff festival
3. Big prizes

Those were listed in no particular order. (Worst to best, obviously.)

Email this form along with your picture to Nicola Gallear (she's on Campusweb) by 17 August and, when you win, thank Campus Look publicly.

Nearly at the pictures; bear with me...

After what I would call - and encourage others to call - an onslaught of photographs over the last few weekends, the schedule looks like this:

18 August - Challenge Number 7: green

1 September - Challenge Number 8: concrete

I know some of you (some of my closest friends!) haven't sent me a picture in rather a long time. I try not to take it personally. There's lots of notice for those two challenges, and no room for excuses. I don't want to resort to mentioning names here of lazy photographers. I do not intend to expose, scold, mock - humiliate - those who have failed me. However, as I think I have made quite clear, intentions are of limited significance.

Okay: you read this far. Well done. Click the pictures, press F11, vote for your favourites - you know what to do by now, don't you?

See you in a fortnight.

Number 1
Picture by Sean Power
Taken from the Edward Boyle Library
Challenge: Window

Number 2
Picture by Roland Ingram
Taken under the Rupert Becket Lecture Theatre
Challenge: Ceiling

Number 3
Picture by Lara Patrick
Taken in the Michael Sadler Building
Challenge: Ceiling

Number 4
Picture by Roland Ingram
Taken in the Parkinson Building
Challenge: Ceiling

Number 5
Picture by Roland Ingram
Taken in the Parkinson Building
Challenge: Window

Number 6
Picture by Justin Ions
Taken in the Michael Sadler Building
Challenge: Ceiling

Number 7
Picture by Sean Power
Taken from the Edward Boyle Library
Challenge: Window

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