This is Campus Look. Welcome.

Campus Look is an interactive photo gallery recording Leeds University's unusual campus.

Each fortnight, photographers are challenged to find and capture something special amid the awesome jumble of the Leeds campus. The latest photos are below; the archive is in the sidebar.

Anyone can join in. How? Check the latest challenge (in the most recent post), make your photo and send it- no more than 1000 pixels wide or 700 pixels high - to the email address below. Your submission will be displayed in the next post.

If you would like to join the Campus Look mailing list, just send an email.

email your pictures here

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Monday 4 June 2007

"A Ceiling" and Challenge Number 4

Yet again, I have not met my own deadline. Perhaps you are all punishing me by ignoring the third challenge? Or are you all not inspired by ceilings? I suppose it was a tall order...

How about we get a little taller - above the ceilings and looking down, in fact. Challenge Number 4: pay attention as you go about your day and see if you can find an appealing view of

a rooftop.

Those are a bit more obviously picturesque, and I know some of the earlier entries featured rooftops, so at least some of you should be able to find one. Entries, as usual, to the address above. Next post on the weekend of 23rd June (or thereabouts). And, if you like the pictures you see here, why not leave a comment at the bottom of the post? I will endeavour to remove the need for you to log in to do so.

So to the ceilings... Despite the lack of interest, things were still looking up for yours truly: behold!

Click the images to enlarge them. (In Internet Explorer, press F11 to maximise the viewing area!)

Picture by Roland Ingram
Taken in the Michael Sadler Building

Picture by Roland Ingram
Taken in Chancellor's Court

Picture by Roland Ingram
Taken in the Michael Sadler Building

Picture by Roland Ingram
Taken in the Michael Sadler Building
Title: "Bounce"


Anonymous said...

very nice stuff Roland! you convinced me that ceilings are much more interesting than I thought ;)

Anonymous said...

This is a test. Does it work?